by Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Collegium Medicum



"E - Drinking Reduction Program (E-POP)" -You want to drink less alcohol and prefer to try it yourself - this program is for youApplication addressed to people who want to limit drinking. It is a therapeutic program lasting 11 weeks. Participation in the program is voluntary and free.The State Agency for Solving Alcohol Problems in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum has developed a modern Drinking Reduction Program. It consists of an online e-therapy platform and a telephone application that are designed to help change behavior of problem drinkers.The application offers three stages of participation in the therapeutic interaction program:    • I - you will learn basic information about the program and alcohol abuse issues. You will also fill in questionnaires to get to know your personal way of drinking.    • II - you will receive automatically generated feedback. It will include, among others: a list of benefits and losses resulting from drinking alcohol, a presentation of how your drinking looks against the background of the general population, analysis of factors helping to make a change.    • III - for 11 weeks you will have the chance to introduce and monitor changes in the way you drink alcohol.In the application you will find a number of motivational exercises that will be offered to you at various stages. You choose the ones that will be the best for your change goals. Exercises will include, among others:- analyzing and deepening your understanding of the reasons for reaching for alcohol and the adverse aspects resulting therefrom,- learning your own motives for positive change,- learning useful skills in analyzing and making desired changes;- looking for alternative behaviors instead of drinking,- establishing a plan to reduce drinking together with its subsequent monitoring.We invite you to participate in the E-POP Program!E-POP team